Color codes

Color Codes

Add these codes in front of your chat message to color the message.

  • &0 - Black

  • &1 - Dark Blue

  • &2 - Dark Green

  • &3 - Dark Aqua

  • &4 - Dark Red

  • &5 - Dark Purple

  • &6 - Gold

  • &7 - Gray

  • &8 - Dark Gray

  • &9 - Blue

  • &a - Green

  • &b - Aqua

  • &c - Red

  • &d - Light Purple

  • &e - Yellow

  • &f - White

Formatting Codes

Add these codes in front of your chat message to add an effect to the message.

  • &m - Strikethrough

  • &n - Underline

  • &l - Bold

  • &k - Random

  • &o - Italic

Last updated